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Membership Level (VIP)

The higher the level, the greater the rewards

Membership Level Cumulative Purchase Additional Interest Rate Upgrade Reward
VIP1 1400$ 0.01% 3.92$
VIP2 7000$ 0.02% 22.12$
VIP3 14000$ 0.05% 45.92$
VIP4 42000$ 0.10% 124.32$
VIP5 70000$ 0.15% 236.32$
VIP6 140000$ 0.20% 404.32$
VIP7 280000$ 0.30% 824.32$
VIP8 420000$ 0.58% 2224.32$
VIP9 700000$ 0.88% 4044.32$
VIP10 1400000$ 1.00% 12444.32$

Investment Example #1

Initial Investment Amount: 30 $

Product Project: Project #1

Daily Return Rate:6.0%

Investment Cycle:1 Calendar Day

Return Calculation Method:Investment Cycle * Daily Return + Investment Principal = Total Investment Return

Total Investment:30 $

Return Calculation:1 day * 6.0% * 30 $ + Principal 30 $ = 31.80 $

Investment Example #2

Initial Investment Amount: 500 $

Product Project: Project #2

Daily Return Rate:8.0%

Investment Cycle:1 Calendar Day

Return Calculation Method:Investment Cycle * Daily Return + Investment Principal = Total Investment Return

Total Investment:500 $

Return Calculation:1 day * 8.0% * 500 $ + Principal 500 $ = 540 $

Investment Example #3

Initial Investment Amount: 329 $

Product Project:Project #3

Daily Return Rate:1.60%

Investment Cycle:7 Calendar Days

Return Calculation Method:Investment Cycle * Daily Return + Investment Principal = Total Investment Return

Total Investment:329 $

Return Calculation:7 days * 1.60% * 329 $ + Principal 329 $ = 365.82 $

Investment Example #4

Initial Investment Amount: 950 $

Product Project:Project #4

Daily Return Rate:2.02.0%

Investment Cycle:15 Calendar Days

Return Calculation Method:Investment Cycle * Daily Return + Investment Principal = Total Investment Return

Total Investment:950 $

Return Calculation:15 days * 2.02% * 950 $ + Principal 950 $ = 1238 $

Investment Example #5

Initial Investment Amount: 1890 $

Product Project:Project #5

Daily Return Rate:2.01%

Investment Cycle:22 Calendar Days

Return Calculation Method:Investment Cycle * Daily Return + Investment Principal = Total Investment Return

Total Investment:1890 $

Return Calculation:22 days * 2.01% * 1890 $ + Principal 1890 $ = 2725.56 $

Investment Example #6

Initial Investment Amount: 4200 $

Product Project:Project #6

Daily Return Rate:2.11%

Investment Cycle:28 Calendar Days

Return Calculation Method:Investment Cycle * Daily Return + Investment Principal = Total Investment Return

Total Investment:4200 $

Return Calculation:28 days * 2.11% * 4200 $ + Principal 4200 $ = 6681.36 $

Investment Example #7

Initial Investment Amount: 6650 $

Product Project:Project #7

Daily Return Rate:2.14%

Investment Cycle:36 Calendar Days

Return Calculation Method:Investment Cycle * Daily Return + Investment Principal = Total Investment Return

Total Investment:6650 $

Return Calculation:36 days * 2.14% * 6650 $ + Principal 6650 $ = 11772.80 $

Investment Example #8

Initial Investment Amount: 3150 $

Product Project:Project #8

Daily Return Rate:1.02%

Investment Cycle:27 Calendar Days

Return Calculation Method:Investment Cycle * Daily Return + Investment Principal = Total Investment Return

Total Investment:3150 $

Return Calculation:27 days * 1.02% * 3150 $ + Principal 3150 $ = 4015.62 $

Investment Example #9

Initial Investment Amount: 5110 $

Product Project:Project #9

Daily Return Rate:1.60%

Investment Cycle:34 Calendar Days

Return Calculation Method:Investment Cycle * Daily Return + Investment Principal = Total Investment Return

Total Investment:5110 $

Return Calculation:34 days * 1.60% * 5110 $ + Principal 5110 $ = 7885.08 $


Growth value is calculated based on the cumulative purchase amount of the members. Members can earn one growth point for every one dollars purchased. Successfully upgrading to VIP1 entitles members to additional interest on their purchases.

Example Explanation

If you are currently at VIP3, your investment project interest rate is 1%. The additional interest rate for VIP3 is 0.05%. Therefore, your project interest rate can be increased by 0.05% from the original rate, resulting in a total interest rate of 1.05% (1% + 0.05% = 1.05%).

Members can enjoy additional investment interest once they reach the corresponding growth value level required for each VIP tier.